What is PIMSS ?
Introducing a new concept in construction IT
PIMSS Personnel Intelligent Management Safety System is an internet based software system designed to manage Personnel development, Qualifications, Achievements, Training needs and Competency of an organisations employees in the workplace.
The PIMSS internet software program can be used in a number of industries and sectors.
PIMSS is an incredibly powerful application and it incorporates a wide variety of modules to aid in the management of personnel.
The beauty of the software is that its been structured with the user in mind and it is flexible and easy to use. We have a large client base that can testify to that.
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Let us take a look at the personnel qualifications management process and explain why PIMSS is the perfect solution for your personnel qualifications management needs.
The problems with managing personnel qualifications
Maintaining a large number of employees and all of their relevant achievements, experience and training needs.
Accuracy of information
Information on site or at the place of work is often out of date.
The ability to meet current health and safety legislation.
The inability to manage protective equipment (PPE)
Only a limited number of people will have access to critical information.
Managing insurance and personal injury claims.
Maintaining costs.
Maintaining and organising employee documentation.
Viewing information is a meaningful format
Current solutions
Manual Systems
A paperwork system which is time consuming and finding information is difficult. As information is hand written it is not reliable, mistakes are easily made and space is at a premium.
Spreadsheet Based Systems
Works well with few employees and qualifications and is easily viewable. However, minimal information can be recorded and large volumes of employees and qualifications become harder to manage. Accuracy suffers as a result.
Bespoke Systems
Designed by a third party company usually with little or no knowledge of personnel qualifications management. Often costly and failing to live up to expectations, they produce a personnel qualifications management tool the way that they see it and not the way that you envisaged.
Database Systems
Potentially an accurate way to manage employees and qualifications but requiring a degree of computer expertise. If designed poorly it can lead to inaccurate information and production of incorrect reports. They are also difficult to maintain.
The PIMSS solution
Personnel Intelligent Management Safety System
The complete solution to the management of Personnel development, Qualifications, Achievements, Training needs and Competency of an organisations employees in the workplace.
Discover the benefits of PIMSS