PIMSS Features
Comprehensive Personnel Records
A powerful personnel matrix that shows a list of every company employee.
Intelligent searching and filtering of information.
Colour coded information to ensure that information is easily visible.
Record Personal and Company details and organise employees by department and contract.
Audit Logs.
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Achievements / Qualifications
Reminders and warnings of expiring and expired qualifications.
Record qualifications and achievements as well as sub categories.
Store images for any qualification.
We record qualifications as they are ongoing, the whole journey of a qualification.
Record costs.
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Professional level reports.
Report of qualifications that have expired or are about to expire.
Report of which employee has which qualification.
The ability to print qualification images.
Reports can be grouped by contract, department, qualification etc...
Cost Reports.
Plus Many more.
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Store any item of documentation for an employee.
Wide range of file formats PDF, XLS, Doc, most graphic formats and many more.
Store signed documentation, driver licences, signed PPE forms, induction forms, CRB checks, contract of employment etc...
Reminders and warnings of renewals.
Can be viewed or downloaded anywhere with an internet connection.
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Protective Equipment
Record any Protective Equipment that has been allocated to an employee.
Log dates of issue and return.
Manage costs.
Reminders and warnings of renewal date and items that need to be replaced or returned.
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Training Needs
Record training that is needed for an employee.
Manage target dates.
Manage review dates.
Prioritise training.
Reminders and warnings of training needs.
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Warnings System
PIMSS will notify you when qualifications are due to expire.
Warn that training needs should be realised.
Diary Warnings.
Plus much more.
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Vocational Roles / Skills
Allocate roles to an employee. I.e. Electrician, Brick Layer.
Assign skills to an employee.
Manage employee competency.
Utilise rating system.
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Record employee experience.
Utilise rating system.
Recognise employee experience on certain projects.
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